commentText="elaborate||The AV Lab developed over 30 publications for NIRD and MoPR, including the Panchayat Development Index, PPC Reports, Annual Reports, NSCW reports, LSDG learning materials and more.||2024-09-12 05:26:39||me||elaborate||When the exigencies of public service so require, leave of any kind may be refused or revoked by the authority competent to grant it, but it shall not be open to that authority to alter the kind of leave due and applied for except at the written request of the Government servant.||2024-05-10 07:33:32||me||elaborate||It was an arranged Marriage , I met her first time in her house with my family. From there we started to talk and understand each other. Then we decided to tie the knot.||2024-02-24 13:11:47||me||elaborate||I AM WRITING THIS EMAIL FOR INSURANCE FOR MY FAMILY DAUGHTER AND WIFE||2023-12-29 08:20:18||SATHIYA||elaborate||Greeting for SE.\n\nWe wish to announce that easy scheme is extended from Nov-23 to Dec-23.||2023-11-28 05:32:34||me||elaborate||Please provide details if not we will come this task||2023-10-09 07:07:30||me||elaborate||A situation that definitely warrants attention is when \nprices tighten up in cluster format while pushing up or down against a \npattern line of interest||2023-09-10 18:26:20||me||elaborate||Project folders preparation and organisation||2023-08-03 09:58:55||me||elaborate||Introduction of Company, HR induction, intruding candidate to other team members, Joining formalities, Basic understanging of company with various department.||2023-07-03 11:32:51||me||elaborate||Introduction of Company, HR induction, intruding candidate to other team members, Joining formalities, Basic understanging of company with various department.||2023-07-03 11:31:20||me||";